Sunday, October 3, 2010

Another look at the booths of people selling items. The burlap and support posts were all put up specificaly for this event.

All of these pins, butterflies are made of horse hair!!!

These are spurs that the men who dress in the Huazo suits put on their boots. These spurs are made of silver and cost about$200 a pair.

This is the booth that was selling the spurs. you can see the dresses hanging in the background, mens pants on the lower right with the panchos next to them
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This is again in the early morning showing many, many booths selling their wares

This woman is from far north Chile near the Peruvian border. She is Araucana Indian making her traditional rugs with pictures in the backgrounds where she is from
This is a typical building that is constructed in Southern Chile. The homes in certain areas are built up on stilts like this cabin.
The night before this picture was taken, this area was full of a varity of booths. Look at the vines that are growing up the posts. The vines provide the shade where the burlap is during our summers.
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One of the many lanes during the Bicentenario. This was early in the
morning - that is why just a few people are present.

There was a large circus tent anchored by these large axles.
Some of the axles were even much larger than this one.

Another couple in their Huaso outfits.
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One of the lesser traveled lanes at the fair.

The circus has a big top anchored dozens of axels like this one. Some of the axles were huge.

A couple dressed in their Huaso attire.

Another picture of the trapeze.
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At the Bicentenario held at the Parque Ines de Suarez were several different attractions. Here is a trapeze act that was really good. The canopy you can see is probably at least 30 feet above the ground.

This was a really interesting act. His hands and feet were tied to drum sticks that and symbols and made pretty goods sounds.
This is the typical Huaso dress in Chile. The dresses for the women are very colorful you can tell how proud the Chileans are of their heritage.
This is one of hundreds of different type of kites I have seen here in Santiago.
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